Sage Accounting Ideas

Software for Laundrettes and Drycleaners in the UK

I wrote this in MFC/CPP 20 years ago. Has been running in our Laundrette since 2007. Keeps track of Till, Customers and Staff Hours. Runs currently on Win XP with licensing requirements, Could do with upgrades, and Technology Change to get the DB on line. Am too old (approaching 70) and too tired to restart development all over again for a Web based system. Am willing to sell the concept on though.

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  • Sep 29 2021
  • Not In Our Plans Right Now
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  • Guest commented
    1 Oct, 2021 01:08am

    Further Comment.:

    Account keeping in a Corner shop , News Agent or even Car Sales Yard, the record keeping is relatively simple. A Consumer buys an item, and the business pockets the profit.

    Customers of Laundrette and Dry Cleaners leave in items for processing, and, want their own items back. Not just "a" shirt, "His" shirt! The software provided is specifically designed to keep track of these issues.